parts list,
brass rod with a sharpened tip and a clean central section half way on the rod which we did the day before.(this will be your sharp probe)
Green LED
Black wire 2m long
Red wire 2m long
2 resistors 1Kohms(1000ohms)
Red alligator clip
Black alligator clip
100mm plastic tube 7mm long
pre fluxed solder
shrink tubing:
black 2.4mm diameter about 400mm long
red 6.4mm diameter about 200mm long
black 12.7mm diameter about 150mm long
tool list:
long nose plier
wire cutters
wire strippers
soldering iron
heat gun
hot glue gun
the LED, resistors and wires need to be soldering together, it helps to have the contacts tinned. solder the resistor to the LED, then the resistor to the wiring, do this for both green and red. cut some black heat shrink, slide it from the wire end to insulate the resistors and led legs (make sure its properly covered).
make sure the brass rod has a nice pointy tip and the middle section is brushed clean (around 10mm), tin the middle 10mm section, then heat shrink the entire rod EXCEPT for the tip (leave a 20mm clearance) and the middle 10mm tinned section.
now before you solder the LED legs to the rod, place a 20mm of the 6.4mm heat shrink through both wires and rod to give extra support. twist the legs of the LED onto the tinned section of the rod, solder the legs onto the rod. make sure its soldered well. to give the LED extra support, hot glue under the LED to the brass rod to give extra support.get the 100mm long 10mm plastic tube, cut a groove on one end, the groove needs to be as long as the two LED is in line, plus 5mm past the LED. slide the support tube from the wire end onto the rod.
now slide a 100mm piece of the 10mm heat shrink over the support tube, slide a 20mm piece of 10mm black heat shrink from the point side of the rod to cover the exposed part of the support tube, then cut 20mm pieces of the 6.4mm heat shrink and cover the ends of the black heat shrink, repeat this process twice for the wire end, you want as much support there as possible. twise the wires and place 15mm of heat shrink every 250mm along the wire, when there is 300mm of wire left, heat shrink it two times then untwist the wires so you have the black and red wire seperated. customise how you like, if you have more than just black heat shrink, go hard!
time to now fit the alligator clips, take out the plastic covers from both clips and place them the right way around on the appropriate wire (red plastic cover for red wire, black for black). strip the ends of the wires about 10mm, twist the wire tightly, insert the wires into the holes on the clips and solder it securely. once the clips have cooled down, slide the plastic covers onto the clip.
if you have followed everything properly, then you will now have a functioning LED test light.
test light is for 24V DC or less
connect the red to the positive of the supply the black to the negative, both led lights will light up. take off the black clip, and touch the point to the negative, the green will go off and the red will brighten. take the red clip off the positive on the supply, reconnect the black to the negative of the supply, touch the point to the positive of the supply and the green brightens.
It almost looks like this. i couldn't take the picture so tried to find same one on internet but only i found is it.
Anyway during making LED test i got a really great time and Fun
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